
Infrastructure and Environment

Protect the environment and help save the planet.

Safeguard vital infrastructure against wildfires using the eco-friendly solution, Zenova WB.

Wildfires present a multifaceted risk to vital infrastructure, directly damaging buildings, roads, and utilities with intense heat and flames, disrupting transportation, and leading to widespread power and water service outages. The destruction extends to communication networks, severely hampering emergency responses and isolating communities.

Zenova WB serves as a vital component in wildfire management, offering unparalleled protection through its eco-friendly and non-toxic barrier fluid. Safe for any surface, it effectively extinguishes fires and prevents their spread. Its durable protection lasts up to 30 days, safeguarding essential infrastructure effectively.

Infrastructure and Environment
Infrastructure and Environment
Infrastructure and Environment
Protect essential infrastructure with Zenova FP intumescent paint and Zenova FX EN3-7 certified fire extinguishers, offering effective fire protection with minimal environmental impact.

Fire risks pose significant threats to infrastructure, leading to structural damage, transportation disruptions, utility failures, communication breakdowns, and broader economic impacts. Such incidents can weaken buildings, halt mobility, cause prolonged service outages, disrupt emergency responses, and strain financial resources for recovery, highlighting the critical need for effective fire safety and management practices.

Zenova FP paint safeguards against fire damage across various surfaces, offering peace of mind by protecting lives, property, and pets. It effectively contains fires, reducing financial and physical damage. The easy-to-apply solution makes it a go-to for passive fire safety.

Zenova FX extinguishers are the ultimate fire safety tool, suitable for any fire type and especially beneficial for the construction industry, meeting regulatory standards with EN3-7 certification. They streamline fire safety by potentially reducing the number of extinguishers needed, even in challenging situations like lithium battery fires. Available in various sizes, including a convenient 500ml aerosol, Zenova FX combines efficacy with minimal environmental impact.

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