
Thermal Management Solutions

Enhance thermal management to regulate temperatures in various climates with just a single coating.

Both Zenova IP and Zenova IR contribute to thermal management by leveraging their unique properties to maintain desirable temperature levels efficiently.

Thermal management solutions are crucial across residential, business, commercial, and industrial sectors for maintaining comfort, enhancing energy efficiency, and ensuring operational safety. They support comfortable living spaces, productive work environments, and precise industrial processes, while also contributing to sustainability goals by reducing energy consumption and carbon footprints.

Zenova IP and Zenova IR offer solutions for improving thermal efficiency in both residential and commercial contexts by significantly reducing thermal transfer. Zenova IP can be applied to a wide range of materials, making it a flexible option for enhancing the thermal efficiency of buildings and structures. For buildings in hot climates, Zenova IP and IR help surfaces to stay cooler, reducing heat build up and the reliance on air conditioning systems.

Thermal Management Solutions
Thermal Management Solutions
Thermal Management Solutions
A real world test was conducted by a housing association, Together Housing, on a thermally inefficient property that had proven very difficult to treat.

The property’s insulation level was so poor that it was unable to be let out - the property was too expensive to heat for typical tenants and was cold with no thermal comfort, increasing the risk of damp and mould issues.

The study demonstrated that applying Zenova IP created a 30.8% improvement on a property’s maximum room temperature, achieving that temperature in a third of the time.

More details on the case study can be found here.

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